Check my stock list please.


Hi, I am planning my first FOWLR. It will be a 125 gallon. I will have about 120lbs. of live rock and a big skimmer for filtration.
Here is what I was thinking for livestock. Let me know if you think this will be okay, compatible, enough room, etc. for the long-term.
Dogface puffer
Huma Huma or Niger Trigger (tough deciding betw/ the two)
Harlequin Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
I also like some of the larger angels (Passer, Maculosus) Do you have any recommendations for a larger, hardy Angel that would work in this size tank? I realize I would have to get rid of others on my list to make that work. Who would I need to get rid of? Any other suggetions appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
I would scratch the flame angel and add a blueface angel. They can be shy at first, but are very beautiful and have lots of personality. I think that list would make a solid folwr. :happy:


thanks cincyreefer
is the blueface angel pretty hardy? how big do they get? If I just swapped out the flame angel for the blueface would I be okay on bioload?


no I wasn't planning on running a wet/dry. I was actually told I didn't need it if had enough live rock. What do you think?


Active Member
I would run a small wet/dry on there to keep up for rock die-off and when the fish grow. At least a couple of large canister filters. The list seems really good though.
Cincy- Youre alive!:D



Originally posted by RumRunner
no I wasn't planning on running a wet/dry. I was actually told I didn't need it if had enough live rock. What do you think?

IMO to have enough Lr to house all those fish and supply for their huge bioload they would have no room to swim. A wet/dry would be best


Thanks for the responses. I have no problem using a wet/dry if it will be good for my fish. I never set up a FO tank before, especially with large, messy fish so this is sort of new to me.
But, I was planning on making my own sump out of a 55 gallon tank with a skimmer and some LR in there. I found this drop in wet/dry filter that has 3 lbs. of bioballs for media that is supposed to fit in any tank that 12 inches in width. What do you think of something like that for the wet/dry. Or any other suggestions for a wet/dry would be appreciated.
thanks again


Active Member
Yeah I think your idea sounds great.... Another option you would have with that setup is to section off a small portion of you sump to grow some caleurpa. This would help keep the nutrients down some, and also provide some natural food (when you harvest it) for your fish... especially the tangs.
Originally posted by gasguzzler
Cincy- Youre alive!:D

Yeah, its good to be back home for a little bit now... Unfortunately it looks like I might have to go to New Jersey now for the next couple of weeks. Just email me if you are still interesting in anything. I'll try to get back to you asap. Glad to see you are still taking care of all the elasmo questions.


Active Member
Yeah, I was still interested in a 10x5 or 10x4 to replace the 980. A buddy just bought a 8x3, and all I have now is my 55! I feeling a little "ill equipped" so to speak.:D
If you are interested in a hardy large angel, you could get a passer. I would definitely then ditch the flame, go with the huma huma, and watch out for aggression. Passer's are very very hardy (I think you'd need to beat them with a stick to kill them) but can be very aggressive. You would NEVER be able to get another large angel.


thanks for the info. The more I read about the larger angels the less I think I would want one in this setup. Between the agressiveness and the dietary needs I think I am going to stick with my original stock list.