Hi, I am planning my first FOWLR. It will be a 125 gallon. I will have about 120lbs. of live rock and a big skimmer for filtration.
Here is what I was thinking for livestock. Let me know if you think this will be okay, compatible, enough room, etc. for the long-term.
Dogface puffer
Huma Huma or Niger Trigger (tough deciding betw/ the two)
Harlequin Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
I also like some of the larger angels (Passer, Maculosus) Do you have any recommendations for a larger, hardy Angel that would work in this size tank? I realize I would have to get rid of others on my list to make that work. Who would I need to get rid of? Any other suggetions appreciated. Thanks.
Here is what I was thinking for livestock. Let me know if you think this will be okay, compatible, enough room, etc. for the long-term.
Dogface puffer
Huma Huma or Niger Trigger (tough deciding betw/ the two)
Harlequin Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
I also like some of the larger angels (Passer, Maculosus) Do you have any recommendations for a larger, hardy Angel that would work in this size tank? I realize I would have to get rid of others on my list to make that work. Who would I need to get rid of? Any other suggetions appreciated. Thanks.