Check out how we have been coming along!!


Great looking store! I used to live in Carrollton. There shure were not many places to by SWF out in that neck of the woods. I know there are a lot of people that keep SWF in that area. I actually started keeping SWF while living there. I used to goto Carrollton pet center to get my fish. When I am back out that way I will come check you guys out.


I live in Carrollton! My boyfriend owns a car stereo shop in Bowdon and decided to buy his entire building, so we had a space to put another business in the back. I wanted a fish store because, like you, I used to shop at carrollton pet center and pet passions and neither had anything to offer as far as saltwater. i would always go to the fish store and more in buckhead. (which is an hour away) I got sick of everyone not having anything, so I diecided what better thing to start up but a fish store!:)
Thanks again for all of your replies, it really puts a smile on my face to see all of you enjoy your fishies just as much as I do mine (all 200 of them, lol)


I wish you the best of luck. I thnk we talked previously in the planning stage, I think I mentioned to you about doing the fish membership, are you thinking about doing it still?


I am doing the membership card actually, I am charging $45 for the year and every month I have specials for members only, along with free premixed/buffered RO saltwater and free water testing and free hospital for sick fish. We are opening next week. We opened yesterday and had to shut it down because one of our lovely LFS's were jealous I guess and called animal control! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! I am furious! All the time and care I put into my little fishes and she goes and does this! Now I have to wait for them to come out and inspect it, and so on. Oh well, I can't wait for them to come in, I'm guessing they'll see how nice everything is and all the pretty fish I have and they'll end up being customers!! (I'll have the last laugh on this one!) All of their stores are dirty, smelly, and they could give a flip about their fish. I just want the customer to be satified. I had a customer who wanted one of my angel's yesterday, but I would not sell it to them because it hasn't eaten for me yet. I want to sell healthy fish, not ones they will have trouble with. I told them that as soon as she starts eating I would keep her for them. I've been soaking her food in garlic, she's picking, but not really eating.
Oh well, I guess this is a dog eat dog business, I just hate that people are like that. I am so glad now that I got the Marineland systems with locking doors!! Now I know they can't send someone in there to put anything in our tanks!!lol
Thanks again everyone for all the support!!!:cheer:


New Member
That is the most beautiful LFS I have ever seen!! :D It's so great to see an owner that really CARES about their fish. That's wonderful. Everyone will see that and you will be very successful. :)
I'm in Cali, but if I were near you, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
BTW: I'm new here. Hello!


Thanks for the compliment! I would love it if all the members on this board lived around here!!
Welcome to the message board! You will learn a lot about anything to do with saltwater aquariums. There are a lot of knowledgable people here - I know I've learned a lot since I've been here.:)