Check out my 29 BC


I borrowed an Olympus from my mom,
it's an older model, nothing like your's or KAT7s.
However, I did a test photo last night
and it looks like it may work.
I would have to decide if I wanted to
save for a new camera,
or put the money into the tank.
I think I'd rather spend it on the aquarium. ;)
I may ask for a new camera for x-mas.
In the mean time I'll just borrow,
or my brother has a very nice rig,
I'll just have to get him to come over
and take some photos.
That way I'll just point, and HE can click!

Originally Posted by ewetmill
I got an Olympus C765 off of ---- for less than $100. KAT74 posted in her thread that she uses a C740. Since her pictures are so nice, I decided to look for the same camera on ----. I found one, but lost the

. Luckily I found my camera and won it for a decent price. Olympus has the C740, C760, C765. You have to find them used because they don't sell them new anymore. The main feature that you want is a macro lense with the highest optical zoom you can find(mine is 10x optical).


Cool. I have a coral book and it shows medium to high lighting,
but it doesn't mention what SORT of medium to high light.
And I seen it listed as a easy to medium coral to keep.
I've talked to several people in aquarium stores
and I get conflicting reports,
one guy said no way will the stock lighting work for ANY corals.
While others say either they don't know,
or SURE the lights are fine for soft corals, but not hard.
That's one of the reasons I like the forums,
you guys have the experience that I don't.
I've looked at the upgrade, but at this point
I'd rather spend that money on
live stock that will work with what I already have.
Originally Posted by ewetmill
I've only had the brain a couple of weeks, but everyone I've talked to says that they do fine under PCs. And, yes, I still have the stock lighting. I am seriously considering the 1.150 upgrade, but many other posters on this site have such pretty tanks and corals without the upgrades, so I am at least going to hold off a while. In the meantime I want to get some nice zoos, but all I can find locally are kinda boring ones.
I have an idea, I'll see about giving it a try tonight.
Originally Posted by ewetmill

I've been told repeatedly that the PCs are fine for soft and LPS corals, which the brains qualify as LPS. They look awesome under the actinics, I only wish pictures would do them justice. If anyone has any tips on how to make these pictures turn out better, I'd love to here them. This is the best I could do:


Not a good thing when one is talking about an aquarium,
even one as big as Moody Gardens.
Whether it is water quality or people quality.
That's pretty sad to have lost livestock.
Especially something as important as a shark.
People as a whole have such a negative
impression of these wonderful animals it's a
shame to lose even one.
I have a complaint about
some the people they have working there,
specifically with the touch tank.
I had a ton of questions and not only where they not answered,
I got the distinct impression
I was boring the hell out of the fellow!
That area is a very important teaching tool!
It hard ENOUGH for me to get others
interested in the subject, but to get
submarined by someone PAID to do that job...

Hummmm....I've noticed a couple of birds outside.
Are those the ones you consulted on?
And some sort of mystery critter.
I was there after dark and couldn't get a good look at it.
I guess she needed a good stool and whip!
"Back Simba, BACK"! She is alright now?
And the sea lion? BTW, what did she do?
Originally Posted by ER..MD
They have changed a lot at Moody Gardens...lots of instability...lost a fair number of sharks and a few marine mammals. The original director was a friend of mine and I actually did some consulting work on the south pacific exhibit...but it was in relation to birds and not the aquarium critters...Still is a pretty nice facility though....I take care of a lot their employees in my urgent care clinic...put about 60 stitches in the arm of one of the sea lion trainers after she made a large sea lion mad...


Originally Posted by kidreef
i like the tank and the shrimp

Thanks a lot. The shrimp have now managed to find the only spot in the entire tank where they can't be seen from any angle. It took them about 5 days to devour the CC star. When it was still whole, they moved it all over the place, hence the pictures. Now I'm lucky to make out an antenae sticking out from behind their rock. I'll drop in another CC star next Wednesday, so maybe I'll get to see them again then.

None of my birds are there...they were originally going to have lorikeets free flying in the south pacific area....there was no easy way to contain them and they finally gave up on the idea


Oh, too bad! Loris are beautiful!
I have a friend that had a rainbow,
really pretty bird.....but emmm....
they don't have the most pleasant...errr....."waste".
So I'm not sure I'd want to have one flying over my head!

But where exactly is the South Pacific area?
Inside or out?
I guess I zone pretty good when I get there,
because I never noticed a theme other then types of animals.
Originally Posted by ER..MD
None of my birds are there...they were originally going to have lorikeets free flying in the south pacific area....there was no easy way to contain them and they finally gave up on the idea


I saw a show on reef predators the other day.
I saw your shrimp.
Apparently they hunt in packs and envenomate
their prey. Then they snip off a starfish leg and
store it in their own private larder.
I had no idea they were poisonous.
Did I mention they were beautiful but creepy?

Originally Posted by ewetmill
Thanks a lot. The shrimp have now managed to find the only spot in the entire tank where they can't be seen from any angle. It took them about 5 days to devour the CC star. When it was still whole, they moved it all over the place, hence the pictures. Now I'm lucky to make out an antenae sticking out from behind their rock. I'll drop in another CC star next Wednesday, so maybe I'll get to see them again then.


Oh, ok. That makes sense.
Originally Posted by ER..MD
Its the reef tank with the island in the middle and the shallow reef area


Originally Posted by sazarac
I saw a show on reef predators the other day.
I saw your shrimp.
Apparently they hunt in packs and envenomate
their prey. Then they snip off a starfish leg and
store it in their own private larder.
I had no idea they were poisonous.
Did I mention they were beautiful but creepy?

Scientists don't seem to agree that they are venomous. I have read they kill with venom, and I've read that their sting anesthetizes the stars, and I've read they do neither. I personally agree with the latter based on how they ate the CC star I gave them. They flipped it upside down, and started with the tips of the legs and moved inwards towards the center. They definitely didn't kill the star with a sting because it was constantly moving its legs as they consumed it. I also don't think they anesthetized it for the same reason. One time they moved away from it for a while, and it actually flipped over and started to move away. It wasn't long before they had it flipped over again.
I have also read that they feed the star to keep it alive longer, but I couldn't tell if they were feeding it or not. Although, they did seem to stand over the mouth quite often.
They definitely have a lair and rarely leave it. They went through great effort dragging the star back to their lair. I got a picture of one that briefly left to find food, an asteria star. I will post it tonight when I get home from work.
I would love to know what show that was, so I can watch it also. Was it on Discovery channel?


It's a pretty horrible picture(dirty glass), but I had to react quickly, as these guys don't stay visible for long. He was trying to get an asteria star from this tiny piece of rubble.
You know theres more than just bio cubes out there! lol well i finally got my tank set up and running flawlessly with tap water. i got the hood all built (thanks to the wetmiller jeans) the lights all working and the sump working. I filled it up with salt water 2 weeks ago and added 35 lbs live rock and a 4 inch live sand bed. its cycling nicely now and i added a few damsels so i have something to look at and help the tank cycle. Your tank looks great. when are you adding a metal halide? its actually not as expensive if you build the components yourself mine cost about 125 and i got everything brand new and just had to wire it myself. heres some pics of my tank hood lights and sump all working as of today. tell jenny she needs to jump on the salt water tank train. shell be hooked sooner or later


awesome tank. I have been thinking about using a few of your ideas. First, I thought of building a custom hood, but I like the way the stock hood fits and follows the lines of the tank. So, if I made a custom hood, it would have to follow suit and look stock. Second, I still want a fuge of some sort, but I'm not sure if a 10gal sump would fit under the stand. I have some testing to do there. Either way, Jen has imposed a temporary slow down on fish tank spending. I was getting a little carried away there for a while.
In the mean time, I have been trying to get the hang of macro-photograghy applied to fish tanks. This has been more of a challenge than I anticipated. And, I don't think my camera allows you to manual focus; that doesn't make it any easier.


Originally Posted by Larry broderic
ok well i cant get the pics to post on this site i think its because of the upgrade that they are going through but heres a link with all the tanks progression on it
I got one of your pictures posted. In photobucket, there is a line under the picture that says IMG Code. Copy the text in the box into one of your postings. That's all you have to do.

You should start a thread for your tank, so everyone can follow along with its progress.


Originally Posted by Triggerz92
Nice looking colt and blenny. I have an orange spotted blenny and they're a lot of fun!
Thanks. I just tried fragging the colt, but the frags keep separating from the rubber band I'm using to hold them to a rock. I guess they'll just float around until they find a place to attach to. Does anyone know how to secure a colt frag to a rock? I wouldn't think glue would work because of how slimey they are.