Oh.. the fins...
The first time I wore it, my daughter made a mohawk for the top fin and little side fins with my hair. She used lots of gel and super freeze hairspray. Then, I topped it off orange, black, and white hairspay to color it.
It sucked that night becasue it tool like 7 washing to get it all out of my hair. I'm blonde and was worried the color would not wash out, but luckily, it id. Was never going to do that again! Plus, I had to do soemthing easier at 6:00 AM to go to work. I used a palstic headband and made fins out of poster board. I folded them like a fan to make creases and then unfolded before I glued them to the headband. I put the head band on and just spayed the fins with the colored hairspray while I sprayed my hair.
People thought the makeup was my costume itself. When I put the tank on, that just took it to a higher level.