Check out my costume~


New Member
Thank for the compliments. I had a lot of fun with this costume. My husband thinks I have gone over the edge, my boss thinks I have way too much time on my hands, and the kids think I am a major dork. But...I won two prizes for I guess I am a dork with some cash now!

I'm gonna have to work hard to top this one next year though.
I work for a pet supply company so I have access to a warehouse full of cool stuff. My original plan was to fill it with artificial coral and plants to get real 3D affect, but was concerned it would be to heavy. So, I tried the background instead...and loved the results. It reflected the LED's nicely. Then, all I did was look around for things to fill in... sand and seashells from the home, toy lobsters and starfish from the dollar store, printed the fish from my company's website and hung them with fishing line, and the oak finish on the box was that cheesy contact our moms had pasted on everything in the 70's. There are quite a few things I could have done to make this costume better if I had planned longer, but it worked pretty well for short notice. Assembly time only took about 2 hours plus drying time for the glue under the sand.


New Member
Oh.. the fins...
The first time I wore it, my daughter made a mohawk for the top fin and little side fins with my hair. She used lots of gel and super freeze hairspray. Then, I topped it off orange, black, and white hairspay to color it.
It sucked that night becasue it tool like 7 washing to get it all out of my hair. I'm blonde and was worried the color would not wash out, but luckily, it id. Was never going to do that again! Plus, I had to do soemthing easier at 6:00 AM to go to work. I used a palstic headband and made fins out of poster board. I folded them like a fan to make creases and then unfolded before I glued them to the headband. I put the head band on and just spayed the fins with the colored hairspray while I sprayed my hair.
People thought the makeup was my costume itself. When I put the tank on, that just took it to a higher level.


Active Member
OK - hands down that is one of the greatest costumes EVER!
I may really have to steal this idea for next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!