Check out my movie!


Active Member
I have been playing with my new video camera getting ready for the baby and put this together. I thought some of you might enjoy it. When it opens, make your player small to get the picture sharp. It opens at 200% in my player and should be at 100% for the best picture. It is a small image because I had to make it under 10 megs. If you enlarge it, it gets grainy really fast so make sure it is playing at it's smallest size. It also has music in the background so turn up your speakers.
The file is about 9 meg so if you have dial-up, it may not be worth your time. No flames please. It's my first attempt at making my own movie and I'm no Steven Speilberg.
Sorry, but I don't have any real corals yet. Just getting started with the reef. Hope you enjoy if you decide to check it out.
My Movie
Tangman :)


Active Member
Nice Job!!
I really enjoyed seeing a longer clip. I liked the Chromis and the pulsing Xenia the best. Did you use Dazzle to edit the video? I have a digital video camera and I have not tried to put video on the computer...........I am going to try now. ;) Good work.


Very nice Tangman, I thoroughly enjoyed your ocellaris clown. He's a real character!! Please tell us what you used to produce such an epic!! I'd like to know camara, software, etc.....


Active Member
I was gonna do one of these with my digital takes short 30 second have to take like 10 seperate videos and transfer to the computer between each one....pain in the butt! I need a video camera!


Active Member
Wow! :eek: I'm glad you liked it. I filmed it with a Sony TRV-27 MiniDV Camcorder and used Pinnacle studio 8 to make the movie with the standard and Sample Hollywood FX transitions. The MPG was still 20 megs so I loaded the MPG in Windows movie maker to do a straight coversion of the completed movie into a .WMV which reduced it down to 8.9 megs. My really good version is 320 Megs.
My clown is a real character. Did you notice him taking off after the chromis? He really loves chasing them. He tried it with my Royal Gramma but the Gramma stood his ground.
Tangman :)


Active Member
Azonic - thats how i did my video on my site with my digital still camera, didnt turn out too bad... not near as good as my miniDV but still good


Thanks for the info Tangman, it's funny that you mention your clown clashing with a royal gramma. I had an ocellaris in my 55gal hex that became ill and began swimming upside down and all crazy like before it died three days later. I think the Royal Gramma may have popped the swim bladder on the clown. It's just conjecture but I'd watch them. Royal gramma is a cool fish but mine seems to be on the aggressive side. I probably wouldn't have got him if i had it to do over.


Active Member
They have both settled down now and do not bother each other. It was the clown initiating it and the Gramma did not back down. It's kind of ironic that the clown wants to harass something as it was not too long ago that I heard a splash like a bass breaking the water. It was my clown being held up out of the water by my dog faced puffer trying to eat him. That was when the puffer was traded in because the reef was coming anyway.
Oh, by the way. I did not notice that the end of movie got hosed by movie maker so I redid it and made the file size smaller with about the same quality. It now includes my royal gramma and the overall shot of the tank. Sorry about that.
Tangman :)


Active Member
tang man i htought your vid was sweet! all the wpies and effects were pretty cool. reminded me of the simpsons where neds wife, maude dies and homer makes a date video for ned and uses llisa's little miss video editor and constantly uses the star wipe! good stuff
sweet tank, keep up the good work


Very Nice!!
"You know you're hooked when" spend 7 minutes watching a video of someone else's tank.....while you're at work!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by fishman88
what kind of feather duster is that it is realy kool

I have no idea. It just looked cool so I picked it up about a year ago. It blew it's cap and left it's tube when my heniochous kept picking at it. It's back to full size and is building on it's tube every day now.
Nice video and effects. When I played it, my computer said it was 5.51MB not 8 or 9. Did you compress it some more?

Yeah, I redid after I realized the first one I posted was incomplete. I redid it and made it a bit smaller as there seemed to be a lot of interest and slower connection speeds could get it a little faster if they wish. The playback quality seemed to be about the same.
Maybe I'll do a sequel - Tangman's Tank II. Coming to a theatre near you. :rolleyes: