check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!


Active Member
Coral Sea Aquariums is located on Military just south of Okeechobee Blvd.
Its not that big, but basically the whole store is just tanks. They dont carry much equipment in stock, but will give you a good price if you order something. (They matched big auction site price on my halides)
The livestock can be great or only OK depending on how busy its been and when the recent shipment came.
Owner has 3 - 240 gal tanks that are beautiful and a custom archway fish-only tank.
Hope that helps :)
Nice addition Toona! What is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ToonaScott
Say Hello to my little friend!!! (cuban accent)
Here is my new algae annihilator, here him roar. I am watching him like a hawk, one wrong move and I step in to save the day.

That's pretty. Is it a lettuce nudi?


I sure hope he is a lettuce nudi. There seemed to be some confusion between the staff at the store I bought him in. I have seen other people online with nudi that look identical, but you can never be sure. He has been in there almost 24 hours, he is eating all the brown slimy algae ( not cyano, that other stuff that loves current and grows long and hair like) He loves the glass, he is fast too. I only worry about him getting sucked into my rio 600 rv on my skimmer. He would have to be pretty determined to get into trouble with that pump. I am watching him closely.


Originally Posted by 92ProTruck
very nice shrooms and a really cool pic too! I'd frame that shot.
Indeed might be good to sell to a callendar company too or something like that :D

tank watch

some nudi will eat corals, buttons, zoos, etc.
i had a 2 hitchhiker nudi that began to eat my leather coral. keep an eye on them...Matt


The each have a very specific diet. If you don't have a lot a what they eat they don't live long. If they eat algae like the lettuce nudi they should be ok.
Of course if they eat zoos and you have a lot of those they should be ok too! :scared: