Check Out My New Canopy


Active Member
I just got my canopy. I ordered it from someone online. Check it out. I really like this thing and it is as solid as a rock, but I can't lift it alone. It's the type of canopy you dont remove every 10 min for cleaning. Although it does give you plenty of room to perform maintnance witht he piano style lid open.



Nice tank and nice top! How heavy is that thing? Also only the complete top piece is opening up,right? And your lights are on your tank.


Active Member
can you post up dome more pics.. and did you make it or order ti from some where... if you ordered it, can you email me a link because i need something exactly like that and i have the same size tank too.. also can you mabye email me the price you got it for... thanks.


in the pictures it looks like it matches your stand. You really made out if you got it online congrates it looks good