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Active Member
I went over to Carlos's place on Sunday and picked up a few frags, one of which includes a very nice Table Acropora. The tips are even starting to turn a brilliant sky blue. Just wanted to show off ;)
Take Care,
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Originally posted by Yosemite Sam
What else did you pick up?

I also picked up a Blue tip stag (A. Formosa). I'm not able to get a decent picture of it for some reason, but this ones the best I got.
Take Care,


Active Member
Looks nice. If you dont mind, what are you using to anchor them down (I saw it in the second pic). Just curious for future reference. Thanks


Active Member
I bought the Table for only $35.00! In my opinion, That's a deal. I also got the A. Formosa frag for $20.00. I'm pretty sure he still had the yellow table (I think I considered buying it), but I would email him to make sure. The yellow table was a beauty.
How many colonies did he still have for sale?
I couldn't count! :D There was quite a few small colonies in his "Frag Tank."
Another 25min and you could've stopped by my place!
If you have a 4" 1st grade T. Maxima for sale (or possibly a frag of a Purple Edge M. Capricornis), I would love to stop by your place :)
. If you dont mind, what are you using to anchor them down (I saw it in the second pic). Just curious for future reference. Thanks
I'm using "Marine and Plumbing Epoxy Putty," by PC. It's great to glue frags down, and it works fairly well.
Take Care,
EDIT- I'll attach a shot of Carlos's tank


Active Member

Originally posted by Old Yeller Tang
How much was the yellow table

I think
the table was $70.00. Your best off emailing him ( and finding out all the deatails though. He may have already sold the Yellow table for all I know :)
Maybe by the time the next frag swap in July, it might be!:)
Unfortunatly, I won't be attending Dave's fragswap on July 13th. I'll be on Vacation in Toronto, Canada. I really hate to miss it. I bet Dave will have another one sometime in September sometime :)
Take Care,


Active Member

Originally posted by Old Yeller Tang
It should be fraggable by September!;)

I'm curious, how much would you be charging for a small frag of the purple edge? :)
Take Care,