Check out my Tank


Just wanted to see what you guys think. I'm open to any suggestions.
It is a 65 gallon, acrylic hex. I built the canopy and stand myself, but I'm going to refinish the wood due to the ever-changing decor in my house, thanks to my wife. Mechanical canister filter, a Magnum to be exact. Krager Heater. Std. undergravel bio filter. There is a refugium in the base below which I built myself and just finished the plumbing. The sand is LS, while the refuge has LS and LM.
Fish List: Foxface, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown, Neon Damsel, Blue Damsel (he's killed everything else, Coral Beauty, Pearlscale Butterfly, cleaner shrimp), White Damsel, numerous snails, hermit crabs.


Active Member
wow tht is amazing. tht is one of the best looking tanks with the dead hard corals! looks great. im sorry to tell you this but i will anyways
the yellow will be stressed quick since its hex. the foxface.. i dont know
are thry posionus?
i want one soo bad but dont want one tht i venomus
btw tht fake coral will be a pain if you ever get cyano bacteria, i had a few pieceds of tht and it looked like a x as tree with a bed sheet over it! keep good movemnt but its awesome


Actually, the Yellow Tang isn't stressed at all, one of the more relaxed fish in the tank. Also, the Foxface does equally well. When I first got him he would frighten up, but now I can stick my hand in and clean or adjust things and he is totally fine. I like the look of the dead corals. Mainly, because I don't have the time or money to keep up a reef tank, and they're quite easy to clean. To date I've never had a problem with bacteria, and the tank has been up for about 10 years, with nothing more than a monthly water change.


Active Member
How long has this been set up? I have a huge chunk of barnacles and they turned green within a month or two of being in my tank. Still are although it's just sitting in a closet now, too lazy to clean but they look cool and my damsel loved to hid in it.