Check out my webcam


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Hope you guys enjoy this. 46 Gal <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


Yes it is live and no you do not have to pay check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and download thier software all you need is a camera and a good connection to the internet. I am using my sony camcorder and firewire it works and looks great. My way of looking at my fish while I am at work our on vacation our at a friends house :eek: I knew you guys would enjoy and use this.


Norm is that red slime on your rocks? If it is why dont you use Slime X to get rid of it!!! That is a nice set up!!
like it alot


Slime X I thought this was good stuff were can I get the slime X and how much does it cost?


Active Member
I don't know if slime x is safe but a product that I know to work well and safe is chemi-clean. The only problem though is if you do not get to the root of the problem the red slime will come back in a few weeks. The most common root of this problem is tap water.


The problem is that I have been using and have an RO system initially I did use tap water but know I only use RO water.


what a cool thing!!!!!!! I have to have one of those.
now i have more moeny to spend . . . . . . . <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Try it again if it wont display. Might have been when alot of people were watching at the same time. You can try it tomarrow it is almost thier bed time. :eek:
yeah i must have caught it too late, light were out and fishies were asleep. i am looking foward to checking it out tomorrow...


That is AWESOME- i have been wanting to setup a live cam for my rtank, and keep putting it off, maybe it's tiume to finally do it.
being a techie, i've got several older pcs kicking around, i might just set one up just for that purpose-- keep it in my tank stand and have continuos live feed... :)


I have a website but its under construction. And you dont have to be a teche to use this program it does it all for you. I looked around and this program is the complete package they host your webcam and everything. The best thing is that its for free... :cool: