Check out the tail on our conch cont.!


look down for the post called. ---- Check out the tail on our conch!
its a kenya tree coral that has attached to it..
sweet pic BTW


Active Member
ditto on the kenya tree, or capnella sp. Even though this is a neat looking addition, I would try and remove it. Capnella is a fast growing soft coral that packs a BIG punch from my experience. Unless all your corals are high in the tank, I would remove it.
But save the pic . . . it looks really great!


Active Member

Originally posted by JustinX
that packs a BIG punch from my experience. Unless all your corals are high in the tank, I would remove it.

please explain? is capnella worse for chemical warfare than other leathers? (i have some in my tank and just wondering if it could be irritating other corals even though i put them a fair distance away from it)


Active Member
thats an awesome that queen musta been pretty still for that to grow on its shell!
good luck


Active Member
I could be mistaken, but I do not believe that capnella is a member of the leather family. But to answer your question, yes, it is more damaging than other leathers as far as stings go from my experience. I had a frag of capnella wipe out an entire colony of xenia. just from brushing against it in the current. The capnella wasnt even phased by it. I have mine in close proximity with other corals, but no contact. I have to keep an eye on it though. I dont think that just being in the tank is any worse than any other coral, but if it touches another, it will probably win.


Active Member
Funny, a few months ago I posted a pic of my cuke with a mushroom growing on it's a$$. LOLOLOLOLOL:D