Check out this reef!


Active Member
Pretty cool tank.......I have to agree with Richard on a lot of it though.
It did have some of my favorite coral in it though........the elusive German Acropora Zugehörig! ;)


Active Member
I do agree with richard too. What i was impressed with though is the general apperance of the tank under the T5 lighting. I think this tank is enough evidence for me to give it a try down the road.


Active Member

Originally posted by JustinX
I do agree with richard too. What i was impressed with though is the general apperance of the tank under the T5 lighting. I think this tank is enough evidence for me to give it a try down the road.

I agree - plus if I am remembering my high school german accurately that this has been setu pa nd runnign since 1981 ....


Active Member
overanalyzer, you must have forgotten your German....I took two years and ich remember VERY little.:D The tank has been setup about a year, and I also saw several bleached out corals. Nice looking tank, but I don't think he has enough light for some of the items he is trying to keep......hence the bleached corals.