Check out what is eating my Zoo's...


So, my zoo's have been looking like they are getting sucked dry and these guys always appear at night and can be seen digging in. I have fresh water dipped, killing dozens...anyone else know of a better way? Anyone know exactly what these guys are?
Note: not actual size...they are about the size of small rollie pollies.


those are amphipods and sorry but they are not whats eating the zoas.They love to be around the base of corals and in rock crevices for protection from the fish.
I would check at night for little worms or flat worms use a red flashlight lens to get a good look.


I have been watching them for two weeks at night, and these are the only things me, I can see them eating them. they single out a zoo and in the morning it looks "sucked in"
I have read plenty of things that say they are harmless, but my eyes don't lie.

pappa d

i'm not calling you a liar or wrong or anything but i also have alot of amphipods in my 20g tank with zoo's in it and they have never hurt my corals before.


I know that if something is already dying...they can show up and feast on something. It's just strange to me that I fresh water dipped for a period and the Zoo's looked better and when i leave them alone and watch the amphipods feast...they start looking bad again.


Active Member
Pods are not eating your zoos, they don't feed on corals at all. Its just a coinicidence that your zoos are dieing and you have pods in your tank. There is another reason your zoos are not doing well.Maybe your iodine is low, that can cause them to shrink up and disappear. Get an iodine test and if you need to add some try that. i have done dips in iodine and then used a soft brush to brush off algae coating you can bearly see and that has worked for me.


Active Member
Actually over on -- there's a whole ton of threads of people with this problem. From what I've read they are larger than normal pods and only pick out certain kinds, usually palys. There are many kinds of pods out there and maybe they are hungry. Get yourself a sixline wrasse or something that eats pods, should solve your problem.


If you think they are bad, take them all out. HAHAHAHA, Good luck trying! If you see 1, there are 100's in there. I'm going to order a whole bag of them from and just dump them in my tank.