Check this Bad Boy out!


Active Member
I really think Bristleworms are suffering from bad PR.
The fact that something that big has been in your tank for who knows how long and you haven't notived casualties seems to say to me its pretty harmless.
Never had a bad bristle worm experience in three years and I have found some pretty big specimens living in my tank. I personally think you need as many natural reef inhabitants as possible for a successful ecosystem to thrive. It takes all kinds...even bristle worms.


Active Member
i think there are cool, i have a pretty large one i see often, sometimes hes got one end of him sticking out of one hole in a rock and the other end of him sticking out another hole in the rock, i need to try and get a pic of that if i catch it again


Active Member
I watched one finish eating a hole in one of my Lobophylia brains one time as the lights came on. I don't think there was anything wrong with the brain before hand, and the brain eventually healed up after close watch for several months. Just my experience, otherwise I have never seen a bristleworm do anything wrong.


if your really worried about bristle worms than you can get an arrow crab. I had a ton living in my marco algae and he went through there and ate up most of the small ones. he can't catch as many now and it seems if an equilibrium has been established. the problem is though for some reason arrow crabs will never stop eating. mine can now consume a whole formula two cube and still keep eating away.