Check this guy out!


nice, my lawn mower probably has the most personality out of the rest of my fish. i would say a must have in a reef. i think mine is fully grown but hopefully he will get bigger. here is a pic.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by Reef Diver
I love them, but have you had any problems with him and your clam?
No, I have not had any problems at all. He sits right in the middle of the clam, and the clam acts ilikes its "nothing at all".


Active Member
I have a 125 reef with little to no algae, thanks to a scribbled rabbitfish, sailfin tang, and coral beauty. I would love to add an algae blenny aka lawnmower to the mix.Do they eat normal fish food? Also, I have a orange diamond spot goby, which thankfully does eat fish food, ....would they be ok together. Lots of coral and live rock, but no visible algae. I run a UV 4 times a week, and when any new fish are added. Any advise would be great. I just love their antics!!!Sorry to hijack the thread, just very curious.

murray bmf


Originally Posted by Anonome
I have a 125 reef with little to no algae, thanks to a scribbled rabbitfish, sailfin tang, and coral beauty. I would love to add an algae blenny aka lawnmower to the mix.Do they eat normal fish food?
Also, I have a orange diamond spot goby, which thankfully does eat fish food, ....would they be ok together. Lots of coral and live rock, but no visible algae. I run a UV 4 times a week, and when any new fish are added. Any advise would be great. I just love their antics!!!Sorry to hijack the thread, just very curious.
Mine eats brine, silversides and krill. I supplement his diet with "nori" strips that I buy at the grocery store. I'm not sure about the blenny's compatibility with other fish but mine is the "easiest" to get along with. Nobody bothers him and he bothers nobody. Even my clams love him.


Active Member
Thanks all, I bought a very fat LMB today. I have put him, "Barkley", in a small "watch" tank to check him out. Hopefully I can get him to eat normal food besides just the algae. He was only eating brine at the LFS,
and algae of course. He had been there for 3 wks, so I shouldn't have to keep him in the little tank for long. I will try everything. Thanks all for the help. I have wanted one for a long while, but afraid to try it. He sure is cute, almost dog like, he hangs on the rock with his head down, like a dog on top of a dog house. Really cute. I'll get pics soon. I sure hope he and the diamond goby don't have a problem....and learn to play nice.

murray bmf

Right on! My LMB has the most "charatcter" of any of my fishes. I think you will enjoy him as they are fun to watch. I often compared mine to my parents pug dog. Congrats on your new blenny