Check this out guys day 2 cycle !


nitrate looks like maybe 5.0
Attachment 209479
phosphates look like zero
Attachment 209481
And by the way I dont have the other charts for the test's. For a "APItm REER MASTER TEST KIT" so can't tell what my other results are. So if anyone could tell me where I can find that I would love to know thank guys for all your thoughts and help.


aztec reef

Active Member
Im sure u can get the master kit in the web somewhere, just skroogle it. ( i don't think retail competitors are allowed to be linked).
I was hoping to hear your ammonia and trites levels..does your lfs do free water testing??


thank u that is a big help now I can test it for more stuff. I'll have more results tonight about it.


Hope u all like.
Attachment 210061
Trying to figure out what snails and cleaning crew i want now any ideas and why u would use them guys.
I was thinking of using 1 of the Lettuce Nudibranch but not sure. I mean what would it do to my tank if it died ?



Active Member
Not to be overly critical or anything, but I think you could do a lot better aquascape with the rock if you play around with it some.


here is a veiw of the right side that is not the whole tank just the middle

Attachment 210076
It's cool I'm on here for adivse and to see what ppl think so your goo.
So thank you for being honest.


By the looks of your rocks, im guessing that you are having a bit of a diatom outbreak, one more thing out of the way


Originally Posted by Emilaya101
By the looks of your rocks, im guessing that you are having a bit of a diatom outbreak, one more thing out of the way

what is a "diatom outbreak" sorry I'm a noob when it comes to saltwater tanks for now. trying to read all i can.

aztec reef

Active Member
Diatoms(brown algea) is a normal ocurrance, especially in new tanks.
It indicates a by-product of the carbonization cycle I.e.silicid acid, due to the new energy needs of colonizing microbes.
Just ride it out as it should dissipate in a couple weeks. Keeping top water quality at all times. A clean up crew would also help.


This is the 22 day that I have had my tank up and this is my parameters :
Calcium 50-270
Magnesium 810
KH 13.8
Alkalinity 4.91
Ammonia 0.50
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0.0
PH 8.2
not good

What you guys think. I didn't use RO water to fill it but I am now. And I'll be doing a water change on sunday.
What is the biggest Water change you guys think I can do ?


Looks like your ammonia has finally spiked. If i were you, I would test tomorrow, and if it is higher, do a waterchange to preserve your hitchikers, but if it starts going down, just leave it till the ammonia has settled and do a waterchange if you get a nitrate reading above 0. At least you'll know it's REALLY cycled now.....


and ALWAYS use RO water. I used tap. Then I tested my tap. nitrates were like 40. Try and imagine what my 55 looks like now

Algae heaven. Coral hell.
Needless to say, it's comin down this week, already go t a new 29 cycled


Active Member
what i would do is keep the lights off and let the tank cycle. don't bother with waterchanges.