check this out, not for the weak at heart


New Member
Nice Pic's. I don't like toads anyway!!!!! I don't like snakes!
But thats nature! Let them check it out and let it go.:cool:


You can't help but to feel sorry for the toad. From what I've read and seen gardners Don,t constrict their prey. Being slowly eaten alive has got to suck! I wonder if the snake has a buzz ?
may not of been comfortable for the frog either.......:D
Just kidding ......Nice pictures and very nice story. I was in Austrailia once and we were running a trail when we ran into the largest Bearded dragon I have ever seen there was some oter small ones which took off scampering away once we got there but this big guy just starred at us like dinner was served or something. We high tailed it out of there so quick we actually ran two extra miles in the wrong direction from our condo of course. But yes I am an advocate for releasing this snake . Thanks for sharing


Active Member
will he eat my aptasia?:D :rolleyes:
Thats a pretty cool pic. I always liked that crazy wild side of animals stuff.


Active Member
We haven't heard back from the prof. yet, so at this point I'm not sure if the snake was released or what, fixit plans on calling him on Tuesday. I will let you all know what we find out then. Lisa


Active Member
Just recieved a call from the Prof., he said that he gave the snake his freedom over the weekend. Infact he brought him back out and released him in our strech of the woods on our road. It was a Butler's gardener. Thought I'd let everyone know what became of him, so I'm very pleased to say he is back where he belongs...Lisa