Check This Out


New Member
Hey just a good note. If you are just beginning your saltwater aquarium I highly suggest you get the ARAG-ALIVE crushed coral. It already has live bacteria in it and it speeds up your cycling process. I have had my tank for 3 days and I successfully have 2 live rocks 3 damsels and an anemone living it it just fine. The stuff is amazing. You're gonna spend and extra buck for it, but it is worth it.


Active Member
they also have live sand, which i reccommend over live cc
however, i would not be so sure the cycle is complete or that the anemone iw doing "fine".
personally, i would add the rock and sand, and after you think the cycle is complete still wait a week or 2 and test it to be sure it is stable. then wait even longer for the anemone.....


i have 80lbs of LR and 40lbs of LS. my tanks ammonia spiked..
ur livestock will survive a week or so.. but you will soon encounter problems..
return them while you can... :nope: