Check this out


that is to cool..thanks for sharing....sence all the huricans i heard there finding all kids of stuff....


Active Member
Good way to kill yourself too!

(Not saying that to be mean, but I'm a diver too and know what that can do!)

nm reef

Active Member
sharkbait9....I edited out your response....please refrain from the use of foul language.
Very interesting find.......strange....but interesting.


Saw it on msnbc last night on Olberman. Have been trying to find it on the net all morning, to no avail. So I posted the question on photography and then someone told me you posted here.
Is it not one of the most wierd things? It kind of looks like a tick with long hairy legs :scared: ..........Peace


Active Member
Originally Posted by angied
that is to cool..thanks for sharing....sence all the huricans i heard there finding all kids of stuff....

Definitely nothing to do with the hurricanes
There are constant ongoing deep sea expeditions both ship and trawls to deep sea submersibles. We've been doing it for decades but the deep sea is still considered virtually unexplored. Which means that we are missing out on the majority of life on the planet.
What we do know is that the "deep sea" abyssal plains (not hydrothermal vents which get a lot of attention) cover the majority of the planet. And that one of the most dominant megafauna (large animals) in the deep sea are BRITTLESTARS which means that BRITTLESTARS are one of the most common animals on the planet.
Excuse this little dance:

I studied deep sea brittlestars for quite awhile. The deep sea is a fascinating place

The reason this one is so unusual is not that it is a new species (there are loads of new species every year) but it is so wacky it is a new family of animals. That is much less common...