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Active Member
Angler shares bathtub with giant eel for 33 years
A German angler has shared his bathtub with a giant eel for 33 years after his children refused to let him cook it.
Paul Richter's children have long since left home but he and wife Hannelore are so attached to "Eelfie" that he's now like one of the family.
Mr Richter said: "I caught him in 1969 in the Rhine-Herne Canal near Bochum, in North Rhine-Westphalia.
"I wanted to cook him, and took him home in a bucket while he was still alive to keep him fresh.
"But the children protested so much when they saw him in the bucket that we put him in the bath for them to play with."
He added: "We only have one bathtub, so on bath nights Eelfie has to go in the bucket. Nowadays we put the bucket in the water and he swims straight in and waits until we have finished our baths."
Marine-life expert Dr Wolfgang Gettmann says eels are normally not suited to life in a confined space but added the Mr Richter's pet eel seems healthy and well fed on a diet of red gnat larvae.
Paul's wife Hannelore says they are not sure whether Eelfie is male or female, but added: "We think of him as a he.
"He knows the procedure when one of us wants to take a bath. I hold a large bucket under the bath water and he swims into it."
Eelfie still has a way to go before he reaches old age. The oldest eel on record lived to be 88


well fed on gnat larva??????
they must have some reeaally
big gnats there.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Man, not only funny, but retarded
after about 20 or 25 yrs, I would have built or bought him a tank or pen of some type to avoid the hassle of bath time, hell, even another tub which would not need to be even hooked up.


New Member
Hey , that's not so funny. I was sitting in my hot tub last night enjoying a nice glass of wine when I suddenly thought "what a great shark tank this would make" 500 gallons, it's own heating system AND great CIRCULATION hahahah My poor husband nearly chocked HA ha ha ha ha;)


Active Member
THANKS! I work at a radio station and used that story on the air this morning! Gave me a chance to talk about my fish, too...hehehe. Thanks :)-


ya,they used the story on
the bob & tom show too.
too funny.:D


What is HOT AC???
AC's are usuaully cool.... ok bad joke but seriously where is the station and what does it play?


Active Member
hehe--I laughed. "HOT AC" is like "AC" only "hotter". OK, ok, it's sort of a stepped up version of an AC station. A stepped down version of a Top 40 station. Alanis, Dave Matthews, Dixie Chicks, Michelle Branch, Matchbox 20....etc. But no Christina, Eminem and Brittney...and no Sting, Michael Bolton and Celine Dion. Seeee? Right between the two. We're in Madison, WI. And there's an honest to god heat wave here now at 39 degrees!!! It's motorcycle weather:)-


Very cool, i've done college radio here on the east coast!
Not as a DJ but for different musical events


Active Member
Very good story.....thanks for sharing. I guess the water is freshwater? I thought that eels had a very limited lifespan when kept in freshwater conditions.......let alone regular bath water.;) I too am a little concerned about the "Bath Night" thing.
"Cleatus!! You startin' ta stink! I could barely wait till tusedah for bath day..........shoo dawgies!" :p


Active Member
RyeBread: did you take the photos in the galleries on your link? WOW. I'm hope those are in a book somewhere:)


Originally posted by RyeBread
"Cleatus!! You startin' ta stink! I could barely wait till tusedah for bath day..........shoo dawgies!"
tusedah??? i done thot satraday be bath night??
ma eels gonta git ral confuzed!!:D


Active Member
RyeBread: did you take the photos in the galleries on your link? WOW. I'm hope those are in a book somewhere
Nice compliment polarpooch. Thanx. I did indeed take all of those pictures and I have a lot more of them........just need to update the website. :)