

hey hows it going i was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a chem. called chemi clean used for getting rid of cyano i had cyano real bad about 28 hours ago it covered my live rock some what and my sand bed was cover all the way i put this chemi clean in my tank and now its gonefrom what i can see just wanted to know if any one had used it a what other people though

nm reef

Active Member
I've heard mention of it...but I've never used it. I'd be cautious about any product designed to control and/or eliminate cyano or algaes. To me it seems they may help the problem but do little to nothing to correct the source of the problem. Its good that it appears to be working...but personally I'd address the source of the cyano and work from there.


I dont ever use any type of chems i tryed to let cycle out wishing that it would go away by its self see i have never had this cyano befor and i just watched it get worse i just got tyried of it so i put the chemi clear in the tank and its so clean i misse that look of my sand being white