Chemi-Clean Question??????????


Active Member
really it just seems like way too much work just to rid my tank of a couple damsils....
what do u think about my fish load.... i have a 100G with 125+ lbs of LR and 3"LS bed
2 fluval 404's, uv filter, 2 power heads, protein skimmer
heres what i have for fish:
2.5" tomato clown
3" fuzzy dwarf
2 yellow tail damsils
striped damsil
blue damsil
3.5" hippo tang
red head jaw fish
24" white ribbon eel
i had a dart fish but he made a leap of faith last week no more

as for coral i have:
pagoda cup
flower pot
finger leather
polyps and zoo's of diff sort
different musrooms
5 diff kinda of anemones
i also have diff inverts stars,urchin,dusters,snails,hermits etc....


Active Member
To me that seems kinda overloaded, especially at adult fish size. If they are all still small you are ok for now. But how will you catch them when they get too big and really overload your tank?


Active Member
well the ones that will get big ie lion or hippo are actually the easiest ones to catch its the pesky damsils that hide....
well i guess ill just keep them as for now i havent really had any problems with water quality just the phosphates which are gone now....
i think i have pleanty of filtration and LR to take care of the waste they produce and i change water every 10-14 days ... once they get bigger i can see getting rid of the dwarf lion he might be able to swallow some of the inverts hes got a big mouth


Active Member
Hehe. Some damsels get 3-4" eventually so they start adding up too. Although I'm not sure of the max size of yours.


By the way...I went to visit my Dad in NYC this weekend. When I left, I killed the lights in the tank completely. They were off for the whole weekend. NO MORE CYANO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I assume that most others can't due this because they keep corals. I would recommend this to anyone with a FOWLR though!


I wouldn't get too excited, if you never found/corrected the source of why it was growing in the first place it will more than likely come back once you start using your lighting on a regular basis. Good Luck though. :happyfish


Active Member
wax32 i think my damsils are pretty maxed out since they were the first fish in the tank about 2 years ago now before what i knew damsils were about.... cuz when i first started this hobby i was like cool load me up on the $3 dollar fish lol they are so cool and colorful.... lil did i know that they were lil punks ....
my 2 yellow tails are small the female is about3/4" the male slightly over an inch
3striped damsil is about 2"
blue damsil is about 1.5"
actually i dont mind them for real they never cause problems