It would work fine one. I have used it in a modded seaclone skimmer turned reactor. NoByPass is always best for any filter media. Personally I would not waste money on chemipur for anything larger than a 20gl. High grade carbon and protien skimming will do the same if not better and save money in the long run. Chemi-put claims to last for 6 months, not true. I usually changed it every month in my nanos.
In F/W tanks it works wonders.
Also note the reaction of your corals. If you are using chemipur, carbon, andy filter media and it appears you corals are not opening as full as they once did, try removing the filter media for a time and see how they react. If they open better after a week of not using it, try using it jsut a couple days a week or even better, just a couple hours a day.