Chemi-pure vs. Chemi-pure elite

aquapod 24

What is the difference between these 2 products? Just higher quality carbon?
What does the elite do for your aquarium that the regular doesnt? Is it realy worth it to get the elite at twice the price of the regular stuff?


i will second him, if you look at the labels of both, the elite deals with phosphates and removes them.


Yup, Chemi Pure Elite just has an added phosphate remover in it. It's argued over how good the phosphate remover is and for how long it works for by many people on this forum, but I for one can tell you that it definitely does make a big difference in my two tanks. I will not run a tank without ChemiPure Elite in it.
If you have a heavy bioload like I do (17 fish in a 155), you may need to change the bag every 2 months instead of the recommended 3 months.