Chevron and Purple Tang- GOOD OR BAD?


Hey guys,
My friend is wondering if he could put a Chevron and a Purple tang together in his 90 Gal reef. I myself don't know since tangs might fight if they look alike so to me they don't really look TOO different besides color.
Any advice?


From what I have learned you should be able to they are different species. However the 90 is not long enough. Now that I have said that and I am sure you knew this. You can find 50 others o the MB that have tangs in even smaller tanks. I have wanted a chevron from my 75 reef for some time now but there is just not enough swimming room for a tang in any reef tank much less a 4 foot one. If he decides to do it. add them at the same time.


Originally Posted by Bot587
he should probably invest in a lil bigger tank... 1 tang in a 90 is plenty from what i hear...

Yep, there's no way I'd do 2 Tangs in a 90 regardless of what type they are.