Chevron Tangs!


Active Member
Tell me Info. on them I love them and want one so bad.
How big do they get?
What size tank do you need when they are full grown?
Do you have one?
And anything else that is important about 'em?


Family: Acanthuridae
Range: Central Pacific
Size: Up to 11 inches
Diet: Herbivore
Tank Set-up: Marine: Coral or rock, plants
Reef Compatible: Yes
Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Minimum Tank Capacity: 75 gallon
Temperament: Peaceful
Swimming Level: No specific level
Care Level: Moderate
I had one in a 72 gal bow front that did rather well. But i had to move and downsized selling the tank and everything in it. I fed mine just like the rest of my fish mysis/brine shrimp frozen cubes and a food clip with seaweed... it would eat all of the above and pick at my rocks aswell... it is really expensive but its beauty is worth it... just make sure you tank has the perfect conditions because it is so expensive. just know that that beautiful coloring later fades to a olive brownish color


a 75 gal is much too small for a tang that grows to over 10". i would want something 2 foot wide and 6 foot across (a 150 or 180 gal)


Active Member
Also known as a Black Tang, this is an adult, they start turning color around 4, 5 inches......I agree that a 75 is too small to keep this fish for long term.


Active Member
oh I didn't know theychanged colors as they get older. are there any other tangs that do that? I know large angels do that. hmmmm I learned something new today. Not sure if I like the black I like the chevrons as babies. Oh Well.


most tangs in the chevron's genera( kole et. al) go throgh some color changes. the atlantic blue has a dramatic change from yellow to baby blue with a yellow caudal fin to deep blue.