I'll give you the acquitals of all the charges.............EXCEPT the serving of alcohol to minors. If I recall correctly, when Jacko did that interview with that British journalist fellow, he admitted to serving wine to the kids. And then the jury acquits him of those charges??!!??
It's not innocent until proven guilty,'s innocent cuz he showed dem da money!!!
The man is ill, mentally. Look what he subjected his body and face to. Look how he treats his chilren..........hanging them off of a balcony...........parading them around the world with vails over their faces........... I just don't understand such a parents behavior, and reguarding Jacko I use the term "parent" very carefully.
I hate to say this, but not only is HE ill, but I believe that his followers/fans/idolators are equally eccentric. (sorry, no spell check) His supporters idolize him. IDOLIZE a musician..... I just don't understand. Hmmmmmmmmmm........