chili coral


Feeding question.
I hear these are nocturnal and I just got one. At night it opens up and white tenticles come out. Is this the time to feed, or during the day if I squirt phyto will it feed?


Active Member
They are filter feeders and alot of care for them. Ive heard DTs is too big and should but it in a blender first to make the particals small enough. Do this with meaty stuff like brine and mysid shrimp too. A refugium and livesand helps. Spot feed it whenever it opens. Good luck with it.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
They are filter feeders and alot of care for them. Ive heard DTs is too big and should but it in a blender first to make the particals small enough. Do this with meaty stuff like brine and mysid shrimp too. A refugium and livesand helps. Spot feed it whenever it opens. Good luck with it.

what is DT's


Active Member
DT's is referring to phytoplankton. Brand name. Your LFS should know about them. I don't know about the size of DT phyto and chili's but if it's true they need something smaller then another option is DT's oyster eggs. They're even smaller. Most people make sure their chili's stay in an upside position underneath the live rock. They don't need or like light.


I have two of them. I feed mine at night. they come out after about 1/2 hours when olny the artinic lights are on. They really puff ou when the are feeding, during the day they almost look dead. goodluck with them.


Originally Posted by Houndhome1
I have two of them. I feed mine at night. they come out after about 1/2 hours when olny the artinic lights are on. They really puff ou when the are feeding, during the day they almost look dead. goodluck with them.

what do you feed?


here it is. This morning it was really open just before the lights came on. So open, it almost looked more white than red