Chill out


I need some advice on a chiller. I'm a newbie with a 300 gal reef 2 weeks old, in the cycle process. I have 350 lbs of LR 250lbs LS my temps are shooting up to 84. What size, brand do you recommend. It has to stay under the tank in the stand so the quietest and least heat generating the better. Thanks. Does anyone have any experience with the brand called Aquatic? :


Is the top of your tank covered, or open to the air. A closed top tank would be warmer than one that was open to the air. Conversely, you'd be doing some major top-offs on account of evaporation, although that can be used to advantage for adding calcium products, buffers, and other additives. If your tank is NOT covered, try raising your lights up from the water surface a bit, let some air flow. And I'm in agreeance with golfish, putting the chiller under the tank will probably do nothing to cool your tank, because the heat would likely rise back up hit the bottom of your tank and re-warm it, it IS better to have a chiller in a different room, or outside, or at least vent it to the outside in some fashion.


I ended up buying a Arctic 1/3 Titanium Chiller and a sedra 500 pump. Unfortunately, the pump doesn't lay flat in the sump, but on top of 2 other sedra 5000 pumps stuck up against the wall. Had to rig the U.V. pump the same way. Sump just isn't large enough, even had to take out the 300 (2) watt heaters. Plus I had to raise the water level in the sump to submerge chiller pump. Was told by LFS to splice directly into the plumbing attached to tank and conect to chiller. Sounds kind of strange. Any thoughts on what I could do? Also considering moving chiller to the garage. Thanks.
Besides what should I learn about whittier goldfish? I've going to Aquatic Outlet in LA by the LAX.


That was a sedra 5000 pump for the chiller not 500. Typo. It's worked well so far 83.9 to 78 in app. 24 hrs.