Chiller Sizing


It's become apparent that I'm going to need a chiller for my 90 gallon office tank. It's running about 83 degrees to 84 degrees during the day with 500 watts of MH.
I want to drop it back down to around 79 degrees...
So what size of chiller do I need... I'm hoping that I dont have to go for a 1/3 because then I'll need to run another circuit into my office :(


Active Member
most 1/4 are rated for up to 125. they always inflate thier ratings but on a 90g it shold be a nice fit.
Also why the 500w?. Unles its packed with SPS and clams, then a double 150 or even a triple 150 should be fine for lighting and now throw so much heat.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
most 1/4 are rated for up to 125. they always inflate thier ratings but on a 90g it shold be a nice fit.
Also why the 500w?. Unles its packed with SPS and clams, then a double 150 or even a triple 150 should be fine for lighting and now throw so much heat.
Going for SPS and Clams ;)


Active Member
Smaller ones arent bad at all.
Are you putting it under your stand? If so then depending on the model make, sure it has some circulation and just insulate the stand with eggrate. Shoul dcompletly deaden all sound.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Smaller ones arent bad at all.
Are you putting it under your stand? If so then depending on the model make, sure it has some circulation and just insulate the stand with eggrate. Shoul dcompletly deaden all sound.
Everything I've read says not to put it in the stand...
So I dont think I can do that :(


Active Member
Im just betting a 1.000 arent I.
Usually its because of the venting. Some models allow for ducted others no. I would think to try it stand alone first and let that be the benchmark, it really shouldnt be loud to begin with.

shark bait

you are looking at needing to drop the temp by 7. so i would have said a 1/10 hp but that is a tall order, so in an effort not to over work the chiller get a 1/4 or a 1/5 hp and be sure to use the correct pump, and gph. if you use a chiller that is to small it will freeze up. I run a 1hp on 330 and i only need a drop of 3-4 and i have the ac in the house to keep room temp at 70 year round.