chip in corner of tank, need suggestions!!


Active Member
I have a delama!!!!! I was repairing the cracked rim on my 75g tank with super glue in the driveway with two bar clamps to draw the cracked rim tight. Unfortunately, my nine year old daughter was playing basketball about thirty feet away and the ball got away on her and hit the top bar clamp, it fell on the lower bar clamp and chipped the tank. (I was a bit upset, no...a lot upset.. yes, she is still alive
I filled the tank (again) and it is holding water. I'll add pics to show the damage. Please let me know what you guys think. Is the tank till usable or repairable? Man, this stuff always seems to happen to me!
Anyway, any help ASAP would be much appreciated!
Front of tank, panel is a full panel, this panel is the only one damaged. Chip is about 1/2 way through.

Side view of still intact chip. Side panel is not chipped.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
That looks like a fatal injury.You could try and fill it with silicone and make that side the back. If it where me i would scrap it,seem could burst at any time or the crack slowly spread and start to leak over time.Not worth the risk IMO.


I have a 125g with a few of those chips. Worked fine for me. I went to HD and bought some corner edge wood pieces and painted it black and glued it on the tank to hide the chips. The chips didnt go straight through so I was okay. If your did then I dont know. Monitor it closely


In my area, 75g tanks are cheap enough i would scrap and and buy a new one. Better then 75g of water on your floor someday.
This also gives you the chance to possibly buy a 90g and a RR tank as well. Will use the same stand as the 75.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses!
The chips don't go all the way through, they go about 1/2 way. It was suggested to me to dremel the sharp edges and fill the chips with epoxy(flush). Than go over the corner with two 3" wide pieces of 1/4" thick glass running from top to bottom secured with silicone acting as a brace. The chipped area would be turned to the back so i don't think it would be so noticable.
This i may try, seeing the tank was going in an unfinished basement.
Any thoughts?