"Chip" struting his stuff


Active Member
my harq shrimp trying to flip mr. CC star over (i had to do it for him, sorta too big of one for him hehe)


Active Member

Originally posted by Nerdy
That second pic is crystal clear. What cam are you using?

nikon d100 with 50mm macro lens , the first is kinda crappy cause i had to shoot on a angle to get him


Active Member

Originally posted by CheerFlip1
Excellent pic of the starfish, I wanted a chocolate chip starfish too but apparently they are not reef safe and eventually I do want to have a complete reef with corals and stuff on it. Excellent pics tho!

ya chip (the shrimp) eats a star in about 2 weeks, he never lets go of it, so im not worried about it going ape crap on my corals. I keep about 2-3 CC stars in my sump


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Originally posted by kgrimes
Do you mean that you add the CC star simply to be a "feeder" for the shrimp? Hmmmmm.... never thought about that? Seems risky to me. What happens when it finally dies? Doesn't it screw up your water? Or do you pluck it out right away? Or am I missing the whole point here? (happens occasionally) :D

ya the shrimp only eats starfish, the last 3 stars i left in there even when it was down to the last leg it was still alive... I havent noticed a rise in ammonia at all feeding this way.. but i do keep i eye to see if its dead or not