Chipped Glass?


Active Member
I have a small chip that I just noticed in my 29g. There's no crack and the chip is on the outside and not very deep. There's no water in it yet. I have filled it up with water twice and there are no leaks. Is this something that I should worry about.


Active Member
Is the tank new? If is is small I wouldn't worry about it but if if is a new tank I would take it back and get a new one. Chips I don't think would spread like a crack would. I would tell you it should be okay, but I have way too much money in my tank, as you probably will too, to take any chances.


Active Member
That's what I'm worried about. It's a used tank and I can barely feel the chip when I run my finger across it. I thought it was silicone at first.


Active Member
If it is that small, I see no problem with it at all. Someone else will probably chim in but I feel it will be fine espicially if it is that small. I don't think it would be any different than having an air pocket in the glass. Which I have a few of those on my tank and I did buy it brand new.


if you really think it coudl be a problem seal it now with silicone before it starts to leak. i have a pretty good ding on the outside of my 20 gal. its about the size of a pebble. ive had the tank for about 4 years and it hasnt been a problem.