

New Member
How do you guys get the chlorine and chlomine(I think thats how u spell it) out of your water? I dont have RO/IO unit yet, Do these units remove it? I have heard that you can let water sit for like 24Hrs and the chlorine will be gone is this true? and is it a safe practice? or do you just put additives in to remove? thanks in advance,


Active Member
whenever i mix new sw, i always let it sit for 24hrs so it will be gone no matter what!
good luck


Letting it sit for 24 hrs is one way of doing it there is alot of chemical on the market that work well.

madd catt

Im am not so certain that it goes out in 24hrs as they state but it is sort of i think gas like that it could evaporate but i dont think that fast.I thought that clorine is a end result of fertilizer,the stuff thats left over. As for cloramine it is three times worse than clorine.It is clorine and ammonia bonded together.Jungle companys start right and ace work well to get rid of chemicals as as tetras aqua safe product.

bang guy


Originally posted by Alopez
I dont have RO/IO unit yet, Do these units remove it?

Aerating the water for 24 hours will also remove it, but not the other ingredients in your tap water.


Information for Fish Owners
21) Why do fish owners have to take precautions with chloraminated water for fish, reptiles, and amphibians that live in
As with chlorine, chloramine is toxic to fish (saltwater and freshwater), reptiles, and amphibians that live in water.
They take chloramines directly into their bloodstream through their gills and must, therefore, be protected.
22) What can aquarium owners do to remove chloramine?
Household, restaurant, and commercial fish tank owners will need to change their current chlorine removal process
to remove chloramine.
23) Can home remedies for treating aquarium water such as boiling water, using salts, and letting water sit still for a few
days remove chloramine?
No. Home remedies such as boiling, using salts, and having water sit still are not sufficient methods to remove
chloramine. Unlike chlorine, which only takes a few days to evaporate when sitting still, chloramine remains in
water for a few weeks. The best way for fish owners to remove chloramine is to use a conditioner that contains a
dechloraminating chemical. The conditioner is available at pet stores.
24) Is chloraminated water safe for plants and other animals besides fish, reptiles, and amphibians that live in water?
Yes. Chloraminated water is just as safe as chlorinated water for plants and animals that do not live in water.
Chloramine is only dangerous for animals that take water directly into their bloodstream.

madd catt

I think it has been stated in magazines a couple of years back that clorine and cloromine is not good for anything in or out of water it just takes longer to due something harmfull to animals or anything else that does not have is a product of poison.It is a end or extracted result of rat poison or fertilizer not sure which they said it was.Florine is also a by product of one or the other products listed above

tahoe ocean

I have a PUR filter. I tested the water out of the tap then out of the filter and tap had chlorine, filtered did not.
I only drink the filtered and only give it to my pets (finned and furry). I used to use amquel, but once we got the filter I didn't need it anymore.
Pur filters are also pretty inexpensive.