Choc Chip star


they really aren't anything safe... I had one in my fish only tank and he ate several large turbo snails before I finally gave up and took him back to the lfs


Nope there not reef safe...they will eat anything that they can catch...I also learned that the hard way. Cool looking though!


Your chocolate star died. sorry to hear about that , I bought one , hes doing good , as far as i can tell , make sure you spot feed them , thats the good thing about them is that they will let you do that , I read that you should feed them every 3 days , but then found out after doing more research , that they need to be fed regulary , Im happy mine hasnt gone after my turbo snail.


Active Member
i got one and my tank has been established for 2 months and my starfish is doing awesome! He doesn't eat any of my hermits or snails, he will come to the surface, lay back his arms, then i will drop some flakes on to his arms.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
i , he will come to the surface, lay back his arms, then i will drop some flakes on to his arms.

that is spot feeding

sinner's girl

don't need lights. I don't have any lights on my tank (stupid lights tried to burn the house down, don't have money to fix/replace at the moment). Our old one liked to knock snails off the glass, then sucks thier heads. He never went after anything else. This one hasn't bothered anything. If you feed them dailyish they are a less likely to bother other creatures. I feed my seaweed daily and shrimp weeklyish.


feed it once a day , when he comes to the top and lays his arms back , he his ready for food , when they do that they are skimming the surface fior food , as that is the easy time to give them food do it then. dont let him fool you though if he is a pig he will do it more than once a day , after you feed him , and he comes back up just let him skim the water

sinner's girl

You shouldn't have to feed shrimp everyday, I'd give algea (seaweed-like you give tangs) on the days you don't feed shrimp. It's okay if you miss a day, (a period of a few days...I was gone for 8 without a problem) esp if you have lr. Just keep any eye, if they want food, you'll know.
when he comes to the top and lays his arms back , he his ready for food ,
COOL! I didn't know that! He know to come to front for food, and he'll do that after I try to feed it, but I've seen him do it at other times. Cool. Glad for that bit. Though, the one i had before never did that.

sinner's girl

when he comes to the top and lays his arms back , he his ready for food
okay, so mine did this yesterday, I fed him and he passed the right out under he didn't want it. I attempted again and he held on to it. It's like he's sleeping and it takes him a few to wake and as think 'hey food, I want that'.
you can try whatever food you give your fish too.