choco chip star


ok guys have been reading the books i have and it doesn't say anything about this but our choco chip star has an orange tinge to him have checked all the parameters of the tank and they are all fine just wondered if this was a normal color change for a cc?


I've had mine for about 6 months....hasn't had any colour changes....


ophiura seems to be the expert on starfish, Maybe she'll be able to tell you what went wrong!


I have kept several ch chip stars. they vary in color from tan to brown to orangish. My lfs is now selling small ones that are completely bright orange, even the bumps. They called them orange ch. chips and sell them for a few bucks more. I dont know if this is a color phase or a different species or what. It lookes really cool!


Active Member
From this description, I see no reason to be alarmed. As perchpsk wrote, they can be extremely variable in color, from individual to individual, region to region and (I suspect) from juvenile to adult.
Is this how you bought it? How long have you had it? What are your parameters exactly? What do you feed the star? How is its behavior?


well i dont think he is feeding it anything anymore because he said it croaked. A shame too cuz i like my CC star. Mine was about the size of a half dollar when i got it. Its about 2 inches now.


thanks for your help guys and ophuria(think i spelled it wrong if so sorry) we were feeding him clam meat bought at our lfs and we had him about a month and a half and he was very light tannish when we got him but he just seemed to melt he was all flat and then he just turned white this was after the orange tint stage and he croaked so i think we are gonna stay away from choco chip stars for awhile all our other fish are fine just have troubles with stars as for parameters salinity is normal level and the ammonia is at zero and the nitrites are zero and the nitrates were under 20ppm


Chocs eat coral, did you have any coral in your tank? Seems the trates are a little high. How long has your tank been up and running? Trates will go down when everything is solid with your filtration. It will be all good soon as far as your water is concerned when you have some time there if your tank is new.