This is also posted in disease and treatment, so please respond to either one if ya'll can help. My boyfriend bought me a chocolate chip starfish last tuesday, and now she's not looking too well. And yes I know very well that my tank isn't mature enough to house her happily but the lfs he got her from won't take fish back unless they're dead. So here's the current situation. I have a over month old tank, already finished its cycle (hit 0's after the first wk and hit the diatoms stage last weekend). The water perims are. Ph 8.2, Salinity 1.023 (I'm trying to do water changes to bring it up), Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 10. Temp. 80. The tank is a 12 gal w/ a 1in sand bed and over 10lbs lr. Other tank inhabitants are 3snails, 3 crabs, 1 damsel. I accumilated her for 4hrs using hte drip method. But I noticed last wed she had little white spots on her. I had to leave my tank for a day and I came back and it looks like on some of her arms her skin is dissenigrating and white is showing through. What do i do for the poor thing? I've found so far 2 options that could be wrong w/ her.... could it be calcuim burn? I didn't even think about that. I've been dosing my tank w/ purple up... could that cause the skin to erode? How do I fix it? I put in some Stress coat / Aloe to help heal her... or I just found when i went through the archives... the part about them melting away due to accumilation. is there any way to reverse this, to help rebuild the stars health... I really feel awful about torturing this creature. Please is there anyone that can help?