Chocolate Chip Star Feeding?


I got a Chocolate Chip Starfish 5 days ago. He seems to be doing well and likes hanging at the top of the glass in the path of the power jet. My question is...what and how am I to feed this guy? Does he just crawl around eating leftovers or am I supposed to hand feed him?


I have one in my reef tank because I didnt read up on him before I got him from my friend. Mine likes to crawl all over my rocks eating the crud that gathers there but seems to leave all my corals alone, even my mushrooms. I tried to feed it a bloodworm cube but he really wasnt excited about it.


Active Member
They need to be fed something meaty....the bloodworms really are not the best choice. Was it still frozen? But shrimp, squid, silversides, shrimp pellets...most will take any of those.


My CC comes to the water line and folds back one of his arms. He likes to be hand fed Mysid Shrimp and Blood Worms. Also, I give him the occasional shrimp pellet and algae wafer.


Active Member
Patrick's favorite food is shrimp. I cut up pieces of cocktail shrimp for him.
Mr. Chips likes shrimp, but he LOVES tubifex worm cubes...found that out by accident, but he doesn't seem to want anything else. And he's tripled in size in a little over a year.


Odd, I have had my CC star for almost a year now and have never once fed it. It just crawls around like a snail and eats everything it can. I dont have a reef though so I couldnt say whether that is an issue.