chocolate chip


I have a FOWLR tank..and got a cute little chocolate chip star. I love this little guy. My question is do they sometimes not move around much...its hard to tell how there doing. the fish kinda tell you by there swimming, breathing and do you tell if the star is feeling good? He is always moving around the rock and glass...but sometimes he just sits there for a while...he is on my heater now..can i pick him up and move him or is it bad to move it? O does calcium really help the coraline algae growth?


my chocolate chip star moves alot somedays and other days he doesnt move at all, i have never picked him up and moved him so i cant help you there


Same here, I have 2 in a 180. One will move around and the other doesn't.
But, the big one who moves loves algae, the smaller one I have to give raw shrimp pieces.
I don't know why, but that's how mine act.


is it ok one of his legs is on my heater? I was told they will get burnt...doesnt make sence to me..but ya never know i guess


Active Member
Just leave it be, do not stick your hands in there to pick it up and move it. How often do you feed it, and what do you feed?
Remember, it is imperative to keep water quality ideal - they are very very sensitive to water quality problems. But it is normal for them to stop and basically feed in one spot for awhile. A seastar that is constantly moving would be a concern for me.