Chocolate Chip Star


What do Chocolate Chip Star fish eat?SWF said to feed them pellets and meaty food.What does meaty mean?And what kind of pellets do they eat?


You can feed them most any type of shrimp, fish, crab you want. I've had CC and red general starfish since I started the hobby and I've never had to bother feeding them. I have aggressive, messy fish so the stars just feed off of the pods on the glass and the waste in the tank.


Active Member
Shrimp pellets and algae wafer/pellets can be fed in addition to meaty foods.
They will also gladly consume snails, clams, corals, scallops and many other slower or non-motile invertebrates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia that what happened to my scallops!

:scared: CC star's are pretty aggressive!


Active Member
Well, if they were flame scallops also note that these have a very very poor long term survival rate in our tanks. Certainly the CC star may have eaten them...but they may easily have died.


Active Member
Yes they were flames....Didn't get any more because I figure they must be very difficult....


How do you hand feed them? You'd have to stand there forever holding the food waiting for them to take it wouldn't you?


Active Member
just put it by their hand they know what it is and grab it quick...IMO my cc star is my least aggressive satr, on the other hand my bahama star rules the tank,, hes a nut!


I got my stars on Saturday. Thanks to the board, went out and got the shrimp (freeze dried). The LFS sold me this stick thing to feed them with, but I found it to be useless. My starfish are hanging up at the top during the night. I just put a piece of it by the arm, he grab it. He moved it to the middle. THEN..this jelly fish like stuff came out, and slowly he ate it. It took him 8 1/2 hours to consume it. It was soooooooo cool. Now, how often do I feed them this way???????


they are scavangers and eat anything they can get to. So I would sometimes go a month without feeding it sometimes. I would say as long as it's moving around and looks healthy it's doing fine.


Active Member
I suggest spot feeding them regularly. The issue with seastars is that they can look fine when they are in real trouble.
If you have a predator tank with messy eaters that is one thing.
But in other tanks I would strong suggest spot feeding at least once a week - and use a diversity of foods.