Chocolate Chip Starfish?? Should I buy??


New Member
I am considering a Chocolate chip starfish for my tank, does anyone out there know of any issues, or problems with this star?? :help:


Originally Posted by wellsfry
I am considering a Chocolate chip starfish for my tank, does anyone out there know of any issues, or problems with this star?? :help:
I have one and can't get rid of it. I've tried trading it to LFS but they already had one.
I had some amazing Red Gracilaria Macro-algae growing on a couple of LR, he ate all of it. Got a red marble starfish, he ate it 5 days later.
He ate a small hermit and one of my astrea snails. I'm scared to get coral for fear of him eating it. I can't get any other stars or sand sifting critters cause he might devour them.
I really like watching him move around the tank though. I would like to keep him but not in this tank.
Hope this helps.


NOT IN A REEF TANK! They really like to eatwhat you want to look at!
Clams, scallops, hermits, some corals, etc.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by wellsfry
I am considering a Chocolate chip starfish for my tank, does anyone out there know of any issues, or problems with this star?? :help:

no thay eat all things reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeJaCo
NOT IN A REEF TANK! They really like to eatwhat you want to look at!
Clams, scallops, hermits, some corals, etc.
I've never had one, just because I've heard this many times on this board...these guys know pretty much what they're talking about when it comes to critters...

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
my CC star when i was changing tanks devoured a whole muchroom rock in a little over 20 minutes!
not cool for a reef tank


New Member
I think I will pass on this one.... Thanks all for the info. , I am thinking about going with a brittle star, and maybe a sand sifter?


New Member
By the way, I have a yellow fin damsel, sailfin goby, yellow wrasse, puple psudocrois, a couple percula clowns, a couple bulb anemone's, yellow, and red gregorians, cleaner clam, couple dozen hermits, couple three dozen snails (turbo, etc), 4 peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, 3 emerald crabs(I think?..never see them?)
Thanks all....!!!
Dean :thinking: