Ding ding...
Love the sea is right. jack and a bunny shirt. That is an old pix, that I should probably take out of my icon. When I get around to it I will post a different one.
My cc eats my clean up crew, and then leaves them alone for a while, and then eats them again. Expnsive to feed the little boogar, but I love it. I believe that it was the second fish in my tank. I lost the first one, so this is the oldest fish in my tank. He is CRAZY!!! He has the craziest personality. It crawls up to my powerhead and goes in front of the whole. then he lets go and flies across the tank. He lays on his back for a while, and then flips over. He is absolutely hilarious. My sister named him hershey. He doesn't look like the typical cc star. He looks like a gernal star mixed with chocolate chip. that is why I got him. Maybe that is why he is so crazy.