Chocolate chips and anenomes


I do not have any corals of anykind and do not plan on getting any since I am moving in 8 months. My question is, if I get an anenome, will my chocolate chip starfish eat it??? Does anyone have experience with this??? Thanks.


From what I have read on the board, you cant put a chocolate chip star fish with corals or anenomes.


I knew that you could not put them with corals, but I was not sure about anenomes. Has anyone had an experience with a CC starfish attacking one of their anenomes???


Active Member
before i converted my 30 gal lto full reef, i just had a rbta in there and also had a choc. chip star. it did fine for quite a while then one day we found the star eating the anemone, it was too late at that point, the anemone was a gonner!


Active Member
My cc star has never (knock on wood), ever touched a coral. However it does eat my clean up crew. You just have to monitor your particular stars behavior. I have had mine for about year, and it is fun to watch. It likes to climb to the top of the tank, and let go. Fall to the bottom and flip itself back over. It is like a routine that it has.
L babe


wow, your cc star has quite the personality. Mine is not that active, he moves fast, but most of the day he will stay in one spot, and when you feed him, forget about it, he is lazy for hours.


Active Member
I can't believe your CC has never been near your corals. You are lucky. Ours will occaisionally go for a snail, but very rare.
I think spot feeding ours helps.
Shirt looks like playboy bunny and a good ole' bottle of Jack. :)


Active Member
Ding ding...
Love the sea is right. jack and a bunny shirt. That is an old pix, that I should probably take out of my icon. When I get around to it I will post a different one.
My cc eats my clean up crew, and then leaves them alone for a while, and then eats them again. Expnsive to feed the little boogar, but I love it. I believe that it was the second fish in my tank. I lost the first one, so this is the oldest fish in my tank. He is CRAZY!!! He has the craziest personality. It crawls up to my powerhead and goes in front of the whole. then he lets go and flies across the tank. He lays on his back for a while, and then flips over. He is absolutely hilarious. My sister named him hershey. He doesn't look like the typical cc star. He looks like a gernal star mixed with chocolate chip. that is why I got him. Maybe that is why he is so crazy.


I've had two CC stars. One I had for 3 years and he never hurt a thing. The other one ate anenomies and all the coral he could find .... that is until I found him a new home.


Active Member
A bottle of jack with a bow just for you.
This is advice that I give everyone. Just like people every fish has a different personality. Everyone is going to have a different experience with their fish. If you want to try a cc star in your tank, go for it. You will just need to monitor it. If things don't work out, then you can find it another home.
It is up to you. I have kept fish together that need to be watched when in the same tank. That to me is the fun of the hobby. Experimentation. Let me know what you end up doing.