Chocolate Star Fish ?


the pet store i got him at told me to float the bag20 min and remove thier water from bag and dump him in


how long have you had the star for? them being more sensitive i would think it should have been drip acclimated....... but not sure exactly b/c i don't have one
this site says to acclimate for 3+ hours. have you tested ammonia, nitrites, nitrates lately?


thats ok i was just wondering what your recent levels were because you said your ammonia was up the other day... if it is still up it could be the cause of the problem


Active Member
You really need to post a number. The "green area" is often far too low for seastars. So try and get a number, and specific readings on your water quality. It could be that your tank is still cycling, and so there is a major risk to all of your animals.
The acclimation of the star was very short

Specific gravity often varies depending on what type of animals you want to keep. If you want any sort of invertebrates or corals - snails, seastars, etc - then it should be 1.025-1.026. Fish Only systems are commonly kept much lower, 1.019-1.023...but this is too low for invertebrates and can be fatal.
Specific gravity is related to the salinity of the tank, and some meters will have both readings available. So if "30" is specific gravity as in 1.030 then it is too high. If it is salinity, then it is, IMO, too low.


my gravity is 23-25 ph7.8 nitrite 0 ammonia .50 nitrate 0 my ammonia levels are high is this causing our problem?what should i do he is hiding this morning under a lr kinda curling up you mentioned to feed him i have some frozen veggie stuff will this be good do i need to add freshwater or saltwater to my tank?thanks for all input

nm reef

Active Member
Sadly the star is probably doomed...I'd urge you to remove it and see if there is any local hobbyists or fish stores that could take it in. I see several problems that need attention immediately. First you seem to be searching for info of the most basic nature on chocolate chip stars...and youhave one in a new system. Not a good idea...first do the research then provide the basic requirements then make the addition. Second it seems you have a very new and unstable system that you are still learning to monitor and maintain...not a good situation for delicate marine creatures. Third I'd urge you to first establish your system and learn all you can about maintaining it prior to adding creatures you have very limited knowledge about.


i got this star with the understanding that he was easy and your right i should have researched first not after it was too late is anything i can do for him i really dont know if taking back to the pet store i got him from would any good for the star


how can i establish my tank faster the pet store said a week and it should be ready to go are my levels a problem?

nm reef

Active Member
You can't establish your tank faster...and what are your current levels for
...and I'd find another pet store that has knowledge of marine systems...or report their advice here and see how members respond.


Originally Posted by nicole05
my gravity is 23-25 ph7.8 nitrite 0 ammonia .50 nitrate 0 my ammonia levels are high is this causing our problem?what should i do he is hiding this morning under a lr kinda curling up you mentioned to feed him i have some frozen veggie stuff will this be good do i need to add freshwater or saltwater to my tank?thanks for all input
how are these levels


i am going to go to the pet not the one i got the starfish from what do i need to get ? i have about 20lbs of lr in 50 gal tank do i need more do i need to add salt