Chocolate starfish falling apart but alive!


Please tell me why my starfish is starting to crumble as of today from the tips? How may I rectify it so it doesn't totally fall apart? Is there a chance of recouperating? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.:(


Active Member
It sounds like a goner.
This kind of "falling apart" or "melting" apperence is caused by hydovascular stress, or in other words, quick changes in pH, salinity or temperature. Improper aclamation is most likely the culprit.


I have had this starfish for over a year - I'm surprised that now it doesn't like something I'm doing. I am still wondering if it will be okay once when it gets out of shock?!
I agree with Graham, it is most likely down for the count. But if anything can pull a miracle it is a starfish. Good luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by ijeh99
I have had this starfish for over a year - I'm surprised that now it doesn't like something I'm doing.

Usually hydrovascular takes place within the first 3-5 months after being introduced into an aquarium. This leads me to think that there was a sudden change in pH, temperature or salinity that may have caused this.
I am still wondering if it will be okay once when it gets out of shock?!

Most likely not :(


About two and 1/2 months ago when I first set up my tank (my first) I didn’t know any better and got a Brittle Star. I didn’t do the proper acclamation and about two weeks later he started loosing legs. Thinking it was something trying to eat him and to make matters worse I moved him to a quarantine tank and shocking him again. It’s been over a month, maybe two and he is till hanging in there and starting to re-generate his legs. So don’t give up to soon.


Active Member
have you done a large water change as of lately???? if you ahve and didnt allow the new water to get at the proper pH before using, you could have shocked him along with temp, salinity, etc!
good luck


When should I consider throwing out the starfish - how much of it will crumble away? Does it desintegrate to nothing if it is ill? Thank you for your comments.