Choose my Light (no $ limit)!

ray j neal

I think I am going to go with the Current Nova Extreme Pro T5 HO, 72" fixture with a total of 468w. This should make a FOWLR look pretty nice, huh? I appreciate feedback about this decision.


Active Member
it's a waste of money, if you aren't keeping a single, photosynthetic creature. just buy a couple 36" 2 or even 4 bulb t-5 fixtures. 2 daylight, and 2 actinic will make everything look nice and be well lit.

ray j neal

I have two t-5 36" coralife fixtures. Each bulb is a mere 21w, and have a 36" 50/50 65pc in the center. I am not satisfied what-so-ever with this light output. Everything looks dull and plain. I have a lot of LR and would think a nice light would really help with growth. I only want to buy a light setup once, and feel this light would be great down the road for future plans. I have 147w right now, and can only imagine how bright the tank will be with 468w of light.


Active Member
Yeah you'll notice increased algae growth and a higher electricity bill especially if it forces you to get a chiller too...
Why not get a 4bulb 72inch ATI fixture T5 VERY high output model with the badass individual reflectors and icecap660 ballasts as it'll more than likely be brighter than your current setup, no bs either. no offense but you listed a bunch of crappy lighting equipment. Run 2 10,000k bulbs, a blue+, and a true actinic. You'll get your colors.


Active Member
I have to agree with Mr_X here. If you're not keeping anything that needs the intense light why spend $700 bucks on lighting if you just want a brighter tank?
You could get away with a two-bulb 60" retro, or a four-bulb 36" retro and put the bulbs in two rows.

ray j neal

I suppose that is a feasable option if I build a canopy. And rotary, how are my 'listed lighting options' crap when I listed only one fixture??