My next fish to add to my tank will be a pair of clowns, but I can't decide which clowns to get. My orginal plan was percula, but false percs seem to be a lot brighter. What are your opinions?
I have both in seperate tanks. They seem to act similar to me.
I have read that the false are more hardier than the true.
I'm pretty sure the trues orange color gets brighter with age.
My false are about full grown and my trues are still small. I am happy with both.
I guess which ever ones look more more appealing to you.
I have what is considered false perculas, and they are generally cheaper and hardier. I also hand feed mine and they are the "clowns" of the tank (pun intended).
Really it is your preference, and all fish, like humans, have personalities and will be a little different than all of the other fish!