Choosing fish


Okay, where do I start. I have been doing a lot of research on starting a freshwater aquarium. I feel I have a pretty good grasp on setting up the tank. I want to set up a 55 gal. tank. I was going to use the magnum 350 delux canister filter with the bio wheel pro. I was going to use a 12.5 in. berlin air lift protien skimmer, as well as a suitable air pump. As far as a heater I was going to go with a quality 200 watt heater. Okay you get the idea! (if there is anything that I could be wrong as far as the setup please tell me. So far I am about to spend about 700 dollars so I want to make sure that I do it right:eek: )
I dont intend to have any reefs want to get more expierenced first. The main things that I am stumped on, and the whole reason for placing this forum is because I cant figure out what kind of gravel to use or to use live sand? That and there is so many neat fish to choose I want them all but I know I cant have that...sooo, i narrowed it down. I would like to start my tank off with some damsels (Jewel, yellotail blue, blue reef chromis are the ones I like the best) Then I would like to add some clown fish(maroon jumbo, percula, tomato are the ones that I narowed down) I also like some gobies (firefish, purple firefish, mandrin which I understand needs live rock and likes reefs, reef something I dont want to get into.) Then my favorite a powder blue Tang. Now where I am hazzy is out of those what would be the ideal combination. Also browsing through this sight I came across some packages that consisted of a array of shrimp crabs, etc. could please exlpain that as well.
All information would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member

Originally posted by jtroutine
Okay, where do I start. I have been doing a lot of research on starting a freshwater
aquarium. I feel I have a pretty good grasp on setting up the tank. . damsels (Jewel, yellotail blue, blue reef chromis are the ones I like the best) clown fish(maroon jumbo, percula, tomato are the ones that I narowed down) gobies (firefish, purple firefish, mandrin which powder blue Tang. Joe

First off- is this a typo or do you really mean freshwater-b/c everything you listed is saltwater


Sorry should have proof read better, yes I do mean saltwater.
I am becoming a addict of saltwater fish, the more I read the more I crave. I know I need to be patient. I cant wait to get started, though


Yes I would like to go with fish only with live rock. When I posted originally, I wasnt clear on what live rock was, I am starting to get familliar with it. Is just rock with micro organisims in it? Is live sand the same and also do you use both or one or the other or doesnt matter.
I am going with a 55 gal tank I listed what I thought was suffecient for filtering and etc in my first post.
I am really liking clown fish, i have my heart set on a powder blue tang as well. I was reading that clown fish like anemones, is that the case and also I hear that anemones are hard to maintain for a beginner!
You all are great in replying like this forum sight very much!


A few things I might suggest. i am no expert and am learning myself. This is a great place to read, ask and learn. you sound to be on the right track to which you know you don't want to rush anything.
The one thing you mentioned is you were going to get a quality air pump? Do you mean a power head? Thats what you want something for water circulation. I have a 55 gal. and I have a power head 802 I amusing for circulation. i am thinking of getting another smaller one on the other side for a bit more.
Another thing is if you are going to get LR I would go with the aragonite sand. It is cheaper and the LR will seed the aragonite and it will become LS from the LR. I have 60# in my 55 gal. tank.
As far as fish go you sound like you have done some research. As far as clowns go you can not mix clowns as far as I know. So if you want percula clowns then you can have 1 or 2 or more of the same but you can not put a tomato with a percula. As far as I know. Other than that I would get you tank set up and add your sand and LR and get your tank cycled before adding any fish at all. Unless you want to cycle the tank with damsels.
This is just my bit of help. I am sure other will be a bit more helpful.
Good Luck :D


The one thing you mentioned is you were going to get a quality air pump? Do you mean a power head? Thats what you want something for water circulation. I have a 55 gal. and I have a power head 802 I amusing for circulation. i am thinking of getting another smaller one on the other side for a bit more

I just got done reading what a power head does (circulates water, right?) I still need a good air pump right? From what I saw the power head rotates from air and also the skimmer works on air, correct? While we are on the subjest of air do I have to put "bubbles" in the tank like you see on fresfwater aqauriums. I would like to stray from it if possible.


No you do not want to put bubbles in your slatwater tank.
As for the other the power head just sucks in water and blows it out. That is what creats the circulation. As far as an air pump I dont see any need for that at all. When I think of an air pump I think of those that are used just to creat bubbles like you metioned. You dont want that in your saltwater tank. The power head also has a air hose that you can connect to it so the power head blows bubls but again you do not want to use that in the saltwater tank. The protine skimmer should also come with its on pump. If nto then you get the one that is recommed for the particular protine skimmer.
I hope this helps.


Hey thanks for the info, there is a lot of stuff to remember. Well when I start I am going to take my time. I want to learn what is actully going to be happening in my tank I just wish there was like a recipe to get a tank up and running. I think I need to start actully reading some books, maybe that will help. Do you know of any good ones that you would recommend for starting from scratch?


I dont know of any books that I have read yet. I know that
Conscientious Marine Aquarist
is a ggod book and I plan to get that.
Also about your power head. I would get a couple of smaller ones to place around the tank to get curculation everywhere in the tank. I have a 802 power head and was just taking with someone and they sugested 2 or 3 samller ones places around the tank. The 2 side of the tank and one up middle and maybe lower.
I hope this helps. :D


Hey do you think you could look over my other post "Bio-Filtration" and see if you clear any haze for me? I appreciate every bodys help and I know I just need to keep reading and learning and be patient.


Buy the book "The New Marine Aquarium - Step-by-step Setup & Stocking Guide" by Michael S. Paletta. Is one of the best around (so I hear)
Airbubbles are actually toxic for your corals. You don't want them. What you do want is well-oxynated water. A large watersurface with brisk circulation will do th ejob, as well as the protien skimmer. Don't get an airstone in your SW tank.
Definitely get sand. You might not want a reef now but you never know in the future.....
Good luck & have fun.


Being that you use a sump could you explain what it is and how it is benificial, that or point me in the direction that explains it cause I ve looked and didnt find any information. I think I have a idea but I trying to get my hands on a explanation, and then how it is more benificial.


I am a "newbie" ,as well, however, I noticed in one of your earlier posts that you want a Powder Blue Tang. I also have a 55 and love the Powder Blue but they require at least 100 gal. - I have recently learned that this is a highly debated subject.....I just want happy fish....


That is a bummer im gonna do some checkin on that...that fish is beatiful! I tke it powder blue get large in size?