choosing tank mates


Hello everybody, I'm new to the saltwater stuff, had african cichlids for a couple years, just made the switch 2 1/2 months ago.
I have a 55 gal with about 50 lbs of live rock.
1 blue damsel to help the cycle.
two starfish (chocolate chip, and burgandy)
about 8 turbo snails
7 hermit crabs
and three anemones (two pink tip, and one green bubble)
I am wondering what i should house in this tank the only fish i'm sure i want are:
1 maroon clown
1 bi-color angel
1 six line wrasse
I would love to get a dwarf zebra lion, I'd like to have some cleaner shrimp to help prevent disease, but my resources for this project are not endless and i'd hate to see a $50 (canadian) shrimp or another fish go missing. I know fifty dollars is crazy for a cleaner shrimp but i can't find any place online that will deliver to canada, and my lfs is the only place with a good sw selection. anyways i know this is getting long winded, so basically i was wondering if you were going to stock a 55 gallon tank with some cool fish what would you put in? the maroon clown is the only definate going in the tank. tks for you replys


at this point, i wouldnt really put much more into your tank... see how your anemones fare, and do some research on them. I dont have any anemones since i didnt feel confident enough to keep them healthy... but, if they die... they may take the entire tank with it...especially if you arnt there to keep an eye on things.
if cleaner shrimp are that expensive, is everything else too?.. or is it just certain species?


Hey Spacemonkey. I have looked on SWf and found some great deals. After spending much time i have seen a wide array of products both live and dry, it just took awhile and much trial and error. I know there are many deals out there. Being patient may be a good bet as often there are sales and special deals. Of course, no matter when you buy someone has a sale on that fish the next day. Unfortunately I dont know how much they tack on for shipments to Canada. Always seems to be a big markup tho. Good luck.


Hey thanks for your reply's, I don't plan on adding any of the fish until my tank is completely cycled and at the proper levels. My damsel is doing good, anemones are doing great, the only one i've lost got sucked up in my filter, I've since moved the nozzle up higher on the tank. no problems since. Everything seems to be going ok, I wish it would cycle a bit faster. I'm setting the tank up at my fathers for now, he is ill with lung cancer and I wanted to set up a nice tank by his bedside.
Anyways, i've just been pondering what to put in the tank once everything is ready. I will hopefully be getting a larger tank later on probably a 90 gallon or bigger, but I need a house to put it in first so i guess patience is a virtue... not one I posses however...
As far as the price, everything is pretty expensive, the live rock was $12.99 a pound, most shrimp i've seen there (blood red, skunk cleaner etc. ) has been $49.99 or so, the maroon clown I want is $59.99 this is all Canadian of course. So probably cut that in half to convert to American$. It's costing me an arm and a leg but I love the hobby and if it takes my father's mind off other things then it's worth every penny!
So i'd still like to get a few suggestions for the tank, I realize it must cycle and stabilize before I can add them, i'm just kinda wondering what combo's other people have or wish they had. thanks again for your reply's talk to ya soon


i know this wont be much help. I think what is most important is what you want. I will be putting together a reef tank. I want mostly corals, inverts, etc. As I have been planning I have found that certain species have needs that are contrary to the needs of others. I have used the charts to determine compatability. Then I choose what I want that are compatable. I can't tell you how many times I have changed my list because of compatability.
I was also wondering if you could travel to Maine, but realized that is too far. Good luck. I am sure an answer is out there.


Hey Infalable, thanks again for your reply, I was thinking of going to Maine, but once you consider the conversion of the money, gas to get there, hassles at the border etc... it's just as easy to take a 5 min drive to the lfs and pay the extra 20 bucks or whatever. Besides, I got a call today about a job i've been waiting on, one more set of test to go and if i pass i'll be getting a 130 gallon tank to set up with aggressive fish so I won't have to worry about tank mates for my 55g, I'll just put in the peaceful fish I like, and put my lions etc in the big tank, thanks again for your reply's. I'm sure i'll have more questions to come, take care.


Good luck w/ the job. I was reading a few of my fish books and once again changed my plan a bit. The more I learn the more I realize I dont know. In the end , even tho I won't be able to have the exact tank I had originally planned on, there will some great stuff in there. Let me know what you finally decide.


I almost forgot, take a look at the Fish board. I have seen a lot of discussion about tank mates. They may be the experts.


Active Member
HI. :) I think it's great that you are researching before jumping in on the buying of fish. I think your idea of a maroon clown is a good one. They almost always take to an anenome. I would be careful and keep a close eye on the anenomes you have. They have a sketchy survival rate even when added to an established tank. The sixline wrasse (one of my favorite fish) and the angel need to be added to an established tank ( 6 months plus) with plenty of live rock. The sixline will pick at the lr for pods and the angel needs plenty of algae. You are right a zebra lion is not a good choice for a community tank so hopefully your new job will come through and you can set up another tank. HTH


Thanks again for the reply's, I'm wondering what i should be looking for with the anemones? they appear to be doing great, there in a different spot every time i look in the tank. (except the green bubble tip, it's perched itself right in the middle) they get big, then shrink up(digesting i've been told) all seems well. I'm definately going to hold off on the lionfish. I'll figure out what kind of aggressive set up later on... maybe when i get rich, instead of good looking... half way there :p just need to get rich... anyways, I'm pretty well decided on the maroon, a bi-color angel, 6 line wrasse, an undecided gobie, and a swales swissguard basslet (also unofficial). anyway, guys n gals I appreciate all the help and shared knowledge. If any of you have experience with gobies or have a fav, let me know some pro's and cons, from what i've read, i'm going to need a new canopy for the tank, seems the majority of gobies like to try and make a run for it!! and my current canopy has some gaping holes on the back side. Again thanks all, i enjoy hearing your thoughts! keep up the good work, this site is very helpful for a new hobbyist like myself.


Active Member
Don't do a mandarin goby unless you have about a year old tank with 100 lbs or more of live rock. Most of them won't eat any prepared foods, only pods and fresh hatched brine shrimp. The only other goby I have is a little yellow clown goby, very cute, easy fish. If your pink tipped anenomes are moving around a lot it means they have not found a place that they feel comfortable in. If they are condy's (condylactus) they tend to wander around the tank anyway. Do you direct feed them? Anenomes need to be fed a small piece of mysis, krill or other pencil eraser size fish about once a week. That and the correct lighting (along with proper water parameters) are the keys to keeping them healthy. What kind of lighting do you have? Anenomes use zooanthellae to stay healthy and they get that from the right strength and spectrum etc of light.