Choral Bandit Babies


I have a clear sack about the size of 2 quarters with what looks like a shrimp inside.
I have 2 Choral Bandits in my tank with a bunch of pepermint shroimp but it looks more like the CB.
Do I need to remove it from the regular tank?
Or how do I get it to hatch and if it does what do I feed it?
Do I need to seperate it from the regular tank in like a breeder box?
I have crabs in my tank and lobster shrimp also and goby's. Alot of fish have been disappearing lately. I believe it is from my crab that is So big his body is about 9 inches long and all the fish in my tank average 2-4 inches.

bang guy

There is a type of Polychaete Worm (Bristle Worm) that captures prey by covering them with a mucus that stuns them so they will hold still to be eaten. Does this sound like your clear sack?
I believe the Shrimp you are referring to is a Coral Banded. I'm only correcting your spelling to make it easier for you to search online.