Well I have been on an LED craze since I saw the Aqua Illuminations SOL LED setup at a LFS, a few months ago. Well my fiance got this light for me and gave it to me early. I was going to build my own LED fixture but this came sooner. After hours of reading reviews and PAR that this light gives off, it is a superb light for the money. It's made in the USA too!
I am really impressed with this unit, but unlike some reviews I read (who cooked coral), I am deciding to wait till the weekend to use it full time. I want to have a lot of time to measure the light and make sure I won't cook any of my corals, because at 100% this thing is a monster of a light! Most only use them at a portion of their potential. Only bad I've read about them is the LED's going out but this will happen with any LED fixture. After all the research I've done, I've read way more positive things then negative things about this light.
I also went with the White model (2w/1b) instead of blue (1w/1b/1rb) because I read the corals use the white light to grow and blue provides color. I think most get the blue becuase of the looks and par is slightly better at depths.
I can't wait to get it running full time!!!
I am really impressed with this unit, but unlike some reviews I read (who cooked coral), I am deciding to wait till the weekend to use it full time. I want to have a lot of time to measure the light and make sure I won't cook any of my corals, because at 100% this thing is a monster of a light! Most only use them at a portion of their potential. Only bad I've read about them is the LED's going out but this will happen with any LED fixture. After all the research I've done, I've read way more positive things then negative things about this light.
I also went with the White model (2w/1b) instead of blue (1w/1b/1rb) because I read the corals use the white light to grow and blue provides color. I think most get the blue becuase of the looks and par is slightly better at depths.
I can't wait to get it running full time!!!